What is a Chamber?
A chamber of commerce is a voluntary partnership of businesses and professionals working together to build a healthy economy and improve the quality of life in a community. As a chamber works to accomplish these goals, it must champion many different functions: economic developer and planner, tourist information center, business spokesperson, economic counselor and teacher, government relations specialist, human resources adviser, and public relations practitioner.
Chamber members are businesses, organizations, and individuals concerned with the socioeconomic climate of a community. These groups have joined together because they stand a better chance of getting things done when speaking with a collective voice. Chamber members can include the small hardware store on the corner, the mom-and-pop diner, the established bank downtown, franchise and major retailers, and the local baseball team. There are no limits or restrictions on the number or kind of members that choose to get involved in a chamber of commerce
A chamber of commerce is run by its members. They elect a board of directors who determines policies and sets goals. The chief elected officer presides over all board meetings. A chamber’s day-to-day operations are handled by a professional manager. This person is generally a paid employee. Some small communities have a manager who is either a volunteer or a part-time employee. You can increase participation by encouraging members to work on committees. Committees can include economic development, education, government relations, human resources, public affairs, and tourism.
The chamber keeps these broad objectives in mind as it works to improve a community’s economy and quality of life:
- Help businesses prosper and grow.
- Increase job opportunities.
- Encourage an orderly expansion and development of all segments of the community.
- Contribute to the overall economic stability of the community.
- Promote the nation’s private enterprise system of competitive marketing.
You can obtain marketing through your chamber. Free marketing will expose customers to your business with no extra cost to you. Take advantage of free positive brand recognition and exposure on the chamber’s website and larger social networks, and the many cost-effective advertising and sponsorship opportunities offered by chamber newsletters, digital marketing campaigns, and events to reach more of your market for less.
The chamber of commerce might promote your business, especially when you first become a member. Chambers have many marketing venues, including their website, social media, community events, and print advertising. The chamber of commerce likely has a larger following than your business, so any exposure the chamber gives to your business can be beneficial.
Chamber members will often offer discounts to one another. Is your business having a lunch meeting? Check for discounts with restaurants who are members of your chamber. Need special fliers for an event or sale? A print shop that is a chamber member might offer you a reduced rate.
Being a chamber of commerce member makes your business more desirable to customers. When a small business is a chamber of commerce member, consumers are 80% more likely to purchase goods or services from the business in the future (The Schapiro Group, 2012). A chamber membership can increase your profits because customers view your business more favorably.
A chamber of commerce supports member businesses. It acts as a voice for the common interests of members. You also have the opportunity to get involved in your chamber. You could have the chance to influence your local government on issues that impact small businesses.
When you join a chamber, you can network with other member businesses. By networking, you get to know others in your community, develop partnerships, and support other businesses. If your business is ever in need, you’ll have a community of business owners to turn to for help.
Professional development
Your chamber of commerce might host professional development events. These events might include training or meeting opportunities. These opportunities help you learn or improve upon skills that are essential to running your business. You can use the professional development events to better your company without breaking your budget.